The Masculine Revival Podcast

Why Are Modern Men Avoiding Marriage? - Ep. 022

Episode Summary

The guys review 6 popular reasons modern men are avoiding marriage and also share their thoughts on the red-pill and MGTOW men's movements.

Episode Notes

The guys review 6 popular reasons modern men are avoiding marriage and also share their thoughts on the red-pill and MGTOW men's movements.


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INTRO (00:50)


Popular reasons men are avoiding marriage:

  1. Men shouldn’t get married because 50% of marriages end in divorce and 80% of them are initiated by women (07:33)
  2. Modern women are just not worth marrying anymore (19:33)
  3. All women are hypergamous by nature & are inherently untrustworthy (27:38)
  4. Until women improve and change or society undergoes massive reform, marriage is not worth it. (35:33)
  5. Men are avoiding marriage because they “have to become a high value man first” (42:40)
  6. “Men Going Their Own Way” Is a superior path (48:59)

OUTRO (52:35)