The Masculine Revival Podcast

Living The Trad Life: Is It Still Possible? - Ep. 021

Episode Summary

Can the average family still get by on a single income, or has that become a far-fetched dream? Can traditional gender roles still work, or are they outdated and archaic? In this episode, the guys cover the ins and outs of the "trad-life" from both the male and female perspective. Expect lots of value, insight and laughs!

Episode Notes

Can the average family still get by on a single income, or has that become a far-fetched dream? Can traditional gender roles still work, or are they outdated and archaic? In this episode, the guys cover the ins and outs of the "trad-life" from both the male and female perspective. Expect lots of value, insight and laughs!


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INTRO (00:50)


  1. Adhering to traditional gender roles is the best relationship model for men, women, children and society as a whole (04:44)
  2. Traditional gender roles are about adhering to strict rules and guidelines based on gender (09:03)
  3. Due to inflation and increased costs of living, the trad life is not possible for the average couple anymore (11:25)
  4. If a woman becomes a trad-wife, she becomes completely dependent on her husband (19:25)
  5. Living the trad life is a one-way ticket to happiness and fulfillment (27:20)
  6. It is NOT good for a woman to be the primary breadwinner in a marriage (31:39)
  7. For the trad life to work, a man MUST be in a high earning career (38:07)
  8. Women cannot work outside of the home under any circumstance (42:03)
  9. Every task between husband and wife should be divided based on gender (46:28)
  10. Living the trad life and being in a biblically based marriage are the same (49:08)
  11. Living the trad life is still possible | Closing Thoughts  (55:18)