The Masculine Revival Podcast

"God Can't Save Modern Women!" True or False? - Ep. 029

Episode Summary

Men are being encouraged to give up on the idea of marriage. It has been said that feminism is too powerful of a force, and modern women are just too far gone to be worth marrying or building families with. Brendan & Mike discuss if modern women are indeed lost beyond hope, and how men can navigate the current cultural blackhole that we find ourselves in. Red-Pill or the Christ-Pill... Which way western man?

Episode Notes

Men are being encouraged to give up on the idea of marriage. It has been said that feminism is too powerful of a force, and modern women are just too far gone to be worth marrying or building families with. Brendan & Mike discuss if modern women are indeed lost beyond hope, and how men can navigate the current cultural blackhole that we find ourselves in. Red-Pill or the Christ-Pill... Which way western man?


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INTRO: (00:50)

Can God save modern women? (05:00)

Should a man wife up the next degenerate woman he meets to save the west? (06:50)

What’s the difference between saving a woman and leading her? (13:48)

How can a man know if a woman is worth investing in and is actually wife material? (26:00)

WHAT indicates that she IS/ IS NOT wife material (30:00)

Two divergent paths…. Red Pill Vs. Christ Pill… Which way western man? (32:40)