The Masculine Revival Podcast

Answering Your Questions! - Ep. 024

Episode Summary

In their final episode of 2023, the guys answer 34 audience questions on a broad range of topics. There will be something for everybody in this episode.

Episode Notes

In their final episode of 2023, the guys answer 34 audience questions on a broad range of topics. There will be something for everybody in this episode.


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INTRO (00:50)


1. Why do you cuss so much as Christians? (02:15)

2. Is lack of masculine guidance resulting in gender dysphoria? (06:46)

3. You guys promote homemaking and that women shouldn’t work outside of the home but Mikes wife said she worked after she had their first baby so that sounds rather contradictory? (09:00)

4. My husband is writing a book but we have no income at all. Won’t get a job at all. What can I do as a wife?  (10:40)

5. How to accept God when you are a realist through and through? A science man. (13:00)

6. Why are there so many dog moms/dads that don’t care to have a real family?

7. You made a passive remark about turning the other cheek. Jesus commanded this. You agree? (20:03)

8. Should you get married while in college? (22:52)

9. Should young men still consider joining the military, or no, due to the woke presidential administration? (24:36)  

10. Is it wise to date someone based on their potential? (26:33)

11. Can you recommend a podcast for healing and getting into full femininity? (29:42)

12. Where do you guys see yourselves in 10 years? (33:20)  

13. How do we go about studying the Bible to really grasp the meaning of it and understand it? (36:06)

14. How to spot covert narcissism earlier on in men (also in women)? (39:18)

15.  How do you handle your in-laws? (41:42)

16.  How much should attraction play into picking a spouse/person to court? (44:52)

17. Divorced mom with 2 kids, i know your “red flags” thoughts, but give us some advice/hope. (47:01)

18. Would you rather be a templar knight in the crusades, or a spartan in the brave 300? (48:57)

19. Do you go to church? How do you vet a church? And your thoughts on complementarianism? (50:04)

20. Why is the new age a red flag? (53:20)

21. How much do we need to disclose about our dating history? When to share? (54:48)

22. How do you find your mission as a man? (56:42)

23. What would you each say to young boys and girls out there who currently lack father figures? (58:25)

24. Can I buy my fiance coaching sessions for Xmas? We both love the show (01:00:00)

25. How do I know if my fiance is serious about his faith? He does all of the above except read the bible… (01:01:31)

26. Male perspective on how to be ok with his past of experienced girls/insecurity and inferiority (01:03:04)  

27. Tell us about your wives! Things they do that make you feel respected/loved/appreciated (01:05:12)

28. Tips for women on how to support their man on kindling more innate masculinity? (01:07:30)

29. What do you believe women should be doing before they are married (college, work etc) (01:08:31)

30. Thoughts on groups like boy scouts of america for kids? Theres been lots of scandals (01:10:35)

31. Is masculine revival your full-time job? (01:12:20)

32. What are you doing to encourage more men to join your courtship network? (01:12:40)

33. Did you have good examples of fathers growing up? (01:14:17)

34. How do you raise a godly masculine son? (01:15:48)  


OUTRO (01:17:00)