The Masculine Revival Podcast

How To Build & Keep Her Trust - Ep. 020

Episode Summary

Trust is foundational to a healthy and thriving relationship. In today's episode, the guys share 8 pieces of advice on how to build and keep her trust. Listen as Brendan & Mike shed light and bring clarity on a topic that many men get confused about. This episode is full of practical advice and actionable information!

Episode Notes

Trust is foundational to a healthy and thriving relationship. In today's episode, the guys share 8 pieces of advice on how to build and keep her trust. Listen as Brendan & Mike shed light and bring clarity on a topic that many men get confused about. This episode is full of practical advice and actionable information!


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INTRO: (00:50)

  1. Be a man of your word (06:00) 
  2. Learn to say no, don’t be a yes man (11:39)
  3. Take extreme ownership without being a simp (18:28)
  4. Be emotionally calibrated (23:20)
  5. Be the man in motion (33:10)
  6. Don’t be a tyrant or dictator (36:34)
  7. Escape the good boy performance trap (42:55)
  8. Keep her safe (46:39)