The Masculine Revival Podcast

Your Questions Answered! - Ep. 012

Episode Summary

In today's episode we answer over 30 audience questions on masculinity, femininity, marriage, faith and more.

Episode Notes

In today's episode we answer over 30 audience questions on masculinity, femininity, marriage, faith and more. 


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INTRO (00:55)


  1. What are your thoughts on a woman marrying a man who is 5 years younger than her? (01:56)
  2. What denomination of Christianity do you guys believe in? (04:36)
  3. What is the number one thing a woman can do to empower a man? (07:11)
  4. How do you balance pursuing your goals in this world and raising global awareness on conspiracies? (09:48)
  5. How can I support my husband growing out of nice guy syndrome? (11:37)
  6. Thoughts on sexual assault/pedophilia in the church? (14:39)
  7. How can men make genuine friends like Jonathan and David were in the Bible? (16:35)
  8. Is having a brotherhood biblical? (19:43)
  9. Recommendations of some good godly singers/bands? I can’t listen to the majority of today’s garbage (sex, drugs, violence). (22:20)
  10. After how many dates did you ask your wife to be your girlfriend? (24:20)
  11. How do you overcome porn addiction and erectile dysfunction? (26:45)
  12. Do you have a backup page in case the Insta Police shadow bans your content? (30:27)
  13. How do you differentiate between gods will and your internal thoughts? (32:00)
  14. How can I support my man in being more masculine? (34:17)
  15. What is your view on women being doctors? (37:02)
  16. Does a man with a high body count deserve a woman with a low body count? (38:30)
  17. Is there anyone who is doing what you guys are doing, but for women… like a feminine revival account? (39:35)
  18. Should you spank your children? (41:02)
  19. What can a man do to make himself more masculine? (44:42)
  20. I’m 23, should I start thinking about marriage at this age? (46:33)
  21. What were specifics that you looked for when finding a wife? Skills, character traits, dealbreakers? (47:50)
  22. Can you give an update on your sweet baby? (49:52)
  23. Are humans naturally monogamous or polyamorous? (51:10)
  24. What are your thoughts on stoicism, can you be a christian and study stoicism? (53:25)
  25. How can a young man like me who grew up fatherless become strong and manly? (55:25)
  26. I am a man who has dad issues and an absent/emotionally unavailable dad. How can I be offended less easily? (55:25)
  27. How to know when to help friends grow vs knowing when they are holding me back and I have to let them go? (57:44)
  28. Should men be the first to approach a woman they are interested in pursuing? (58:37)
  29. As a woman, is it ok that I want to be a mom but I want a successful career in marketing? (01:00:20)
  30. What are the advantages of getting married for men and women? (01:01:58)
  31. Tips we wish we knew before going into business on our own? I’m in the process of starting a men’s health and fitness coaching business and i’d love to learn a few lessons without the scars if you know what i mean. (01:04:22)
  32. Does a man struggling with same sex attraction have to marry a woman and have children in order to be fully masculine? Can he choose to live a celibate life in light of his struggles and live in the fullness of his masculine identity? (01:06:37)