The Masculine Revival Podcast

10 Essential Truths About Dating & Relationships - Ep. 011

Episode Summary

Apply these truths to save yourself a whole lot of time and a whole lot of heartbreak! This is the wisdom that Brendan & Mike wish that they had back in their early 20s.

Episode Notes

Apply these truths to save yourself a whole lot of time and a whole lot of heartbreak! This is the wisdom that Brendan & Mike wish that they had in their early 20s.


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Intro (00:55)

You don’t need to have it all figured out before you get married. (2:45)

Don’t over-complicate courtship. (6:18)

Over-romanticizing the masculine and feminine will leave you perpetually single. (9:55)

A man must know who he is, what he wants, and where he is going. (18:30)

There’s no such thing as “the one.” (24:00)

Playing house is for little kids. (29:30)

Good leadership from a man can absolutely transform a willing woman. (33:55)

Don’t have premarital sex. (38:17)

Don’t expect perfection. (43:30)

Just get married, bro. (45:57)

9 questions to consider when you are thinking about marrying a woman. (47:45)

Closing thoughts (49:14)